The No.1 Trusted Chinese Herbs In The USA
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Clear Heat

Zhen Zhu An Chuang Pian | AH075P
200 mg 200 Tablets

Clear your skin naturally. AcniPearl™ is a Guang Ci Tang signature formula that helps clear heat and detox the body to smooth your skin.
Huang Lian Shang Qing Pian | AH081P
200 mg 200 Tablets

Have Fire in the body? CoptisClear™ may help. This popular Chinese herbal remedy purges Fire, clears Heat, and resolves toxicity.
Chuan Xin Lian Pian | AH082P
200 mg 200 Tablets

Andrografix™ is a Guang Ci Tang signature formula that clears away toxic Heat and supports the body's natural defense.
Chu Kou Wei Pian | AH147P
200 mg 200 Tablets

Kiss your bad breath goodbye. This Guang Ci Tang signature formula clears Heat in the stomach and is the choice of dietary supplements to freshen your breath.
Deal of the Week
14.99 $11.49
Zhong Gan Qing Pian | AH168P
200 mg 200 Tablets

Physiclear™ is an all natural Chinese herbal supplement that supports the body's immune function. It is composed of Chinese herbs that clears heat and resolves toxicity.