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My Health Topics

Mian Xiang: The TCM Art of Face Reading

Mian Xiang: The TCM Art of Face Reading

What does your face reveal about your health and personality? Mian Xiang, an ancient Chinese Taoist discipline colloquially called “Face Reading” is still employed...
Bone Marrow in TCM: The Essence of Vitality and Longevity

Bone Marrow in TCM: The Essence of Vitality and Longevity

The soft, spongy stuff in your 206 bones—bone marrow—lies at the core of strength, longevity, cognitive health and every aspect of living well into...
10 Celebrities Who’ve Propelled TCM In The Spotlight

10 Celebrities Who’ve Propelled TCM In The Spotlight

Discover how celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, Michael Phelps, and Ariana Grande use Traditional Chinese Medicine. From cupping to herbal remedies, find out how these...
Gaofang: TCM’s Thousand-Year-Old Winter Superfood

Gaofang: TCM’s Thousand-Year-Old Winter Superfood

Gaofang is an ancient herbal paste from Traditional Chinese Medicine, perfect for winter wellness. Packed with nourishing ingredients, gaofang supports immunity, balances energy, and...
Er Chen Decoction: New Research Shows How a TCM Formula for Mucus May Help Support Cholesterol

Er Chen Decoction: New Research Shows How a TCM Formula for Mucus May Help Support Cholesterol

Can a centuries-old TCM formula help balance modern cholesterol concerns? Discover how new research reveals the potential of Er Chen Decoction, traditionally used to...
Best TCM Diet For 2025: Easily Stick To Your Resolution To Lose Weight

Best TCM Diet For 2025: Easily Stick To Your Resolution To Lose Weight

Did you go a little overboard with the treats this holiday season? Thinking about starting a diet after the new year? Here’s the best...
98.6°F No More: Researchers Alarmed By Plummeting Average Body Temp

98.6°F No More: Researchers Alarmed By Plummeting Average Body Temp

Think your body temp is 98.6? Think again. Modern life is cooling us down, literally, and it’s wrecking your immune system. Here’s how to...
Alcohol in TCM: The Surprising Benefits of Booze

Alcohol in TCM: The Surprising Benefits of Booze

Obviously, heavy alcohol consumption is harmful to one’s health. However, according to TCM, moderate consumption may have some surprising benefits. ...
Is TCM Gluten Free? Addressing Gluten Intolerance in Chinese Herbs

Is TCM Gluten Free? Addressing Gluten Intolerance in Chinese Herbs

Modern wheat products are highly processed with large gliadin protein molecules, which can trigger gluten sensitivity. This begs the question, is TCM Gluten free? ...

TCM For Pets: A Modern Adaptation Or An Ancient Practice?

More people are interested in natural solutions for their health concerns…for themselves. But what about pets? Can you give Chinese herbs to them? And...
Sugar in TCM: A Spoonful of Sugar Makes The Chinese Medicine Go Down 

Sugar in TCM: A Spoonful of Sugar Makes The Chinese Medicine Go Down 

In China, sugar isn’t considered a harmful substance. In fact, it’s got some upsides, including acting as a medicinal treat. Explore how TCM views...
Try These 2 TCM Anti-Aging Hacks: Support Lymph Drainage and Blood Circulation

Try These 2 TCM Anti-Aging Hacks: Support Lymph Drainage and Blood Circulation

Do you want to increase your chances of living a longer, more active life — but not want to put in the hard work?...
What Do Your Dreams Mean According To Traditional Chinese Medicine?

What Do Your Dreams Mean According To Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Being chased, falling, losing teeth, flying, showing up for a test naked…are these dreams random, or do they say something about our health? Here’s...
A Scorching Heat Wave: Damp Heat, Phlegm & Fire In TCM

A Scorching Heat Wave: Damp Heat, Phlegm & Fire In TCM

Damp Heat, Phlegm, and Fire are three key imbalances that can disrupt your health. Discover how each condition affects your body and explore effective...
Alchemy in TCM: Transform Your Health For A Healthy Lifespan

Alchemy in TCM: Transform Your Health For A Healthy Lifespan

The forerunner of chemistry in the West, alchemy is an ancient practice shrouded in mystery, associated with transmuting base metals into gold. But in...
East Meets West: 10 Common Western Herbs Now Used in TCM

East Meets West: 10 Common Western Herbs Now Used in TCM

If a herb isn’t indigenous to China, can it still be called a Chinese herb? That’s medicinal food for thought! Here are some...
TCM For Mood: How Chinese Herbs Resolve Disturbed “Shen”

TCM For Mood: How Chinese Herbs Resolve Disturbed “Shen”

There’s no substitute for pharmacological interventions if you have a diagnosed mood disorder, however, TCM can play an effective complementary role. Here’s how. ...
Is Air Conditioning Destroying Your Health?

Is Air Conditioning Destroying Your Health?

Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean your immune system can take a vacation. Air conditioning, according to TCM threatens Yin/Yang balance....
Emotionally Aligned: 6 Common Expressions in English and Chinese

Emotionally Aligned: 6 Common Expressions in English and Chinese

Chinese and English aren’t so different, at least when it comes to these emotional turmoil idioms. Traditional Chinese Medicine has a language of its...
No Baloney, Abalone Shell Is A Popular Traditional Chinese Medicine

No Baloney, Abalone Shell Is A Popular Traditional Chinese Medicine

Abalone shells make great gifts for jewelry, home decor, and more. But in TCM, they are also highly valued as a medicine for excess...