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TCM Concepts

Shan Yao in TCM: Move Over Sweet Potatoes: The Real Yam That Supports Healthy Aging

Shan Yao in TCM: Move Over Sweet Potatoes: The Real Yam That Supports Healthy Aging

The real yam—Shan Yao (Chinese Yam)—has been revered in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries as a powerful herb for digestion, energy, and anti-aging. Find...
10 Signs You Have Spleen Qi Deficiency—And How to Restore Your Energy

10 Signs You Have Spleen Qi Deficiency—And How to Restore Your Energy

Feeling drained, bloated, or unfocused? Spleen Qi Deficiency could be to blame. Discover 10 key signs and how to restore your energy with time-tested...
Bone Marrow in TCM: The Essence of Vitality and Longevity

Bone Marrow in TCM: The Essence of Vitality and Longevity

The soft, spongy stuff in your 206 bones—bone marrow—lies at the core of strength, longevity, cognitive health and every aspect of living well into...
Gaofang: TCM’s Thousand-Year-Old Winter Superfood

Gaofang: TCM’s Thousand-Year-Old Winter Superfood

Gaofang is an ancient herbal paste from Traditional Chinese Medicine, perfect for winter wellness. Packed with nourishing ingredients, gaofang supports immunity, balances energy, and...
Meet The “Beetles!”: Ground Beetle (Tu Bie Chong) in TCM

Meet The “Beetles!”: Ground Beetle (Tu Bie Chong) in TCM

TCM formulas mostly contain herbs. But one ingredient stands out from the rest: ground beetle (Tu Bie Chong). Don’t be creeped out; it’s prized...
Shen Qu: A Medicated Leaven That’s Good For The Gut

Shen Qu: A Medicated Leaven That’s Good For The Gut

A leavening agent like yeast makes bread rise. That’s typically bad news for gut health, except when it’s medicated leaven (Shen Qu) in TCM. ...
Alcohol in TCM: The Surprising Benefits of Booze

Alcohol in TCM: The Surprising Benefits of Booze

Obviously, heavy alcohol consumption is harmful to one’s health. However, according to TCM, moderate consumption may have some surprising benefits. ...
Ji Nei Jin: This Curious TCM Ingredient Tastes Like Chicken, Because It Is (Chicken Gizzard Skin)

Ji Nei Jin: This Curious TCM Ingredient Tastes Like Chicken, Because It Is (Chicken Gizzard Skin)

Chicken gizzards aren’t just a delicacy worldwide, including the Deep South of the US. They also happen to be a popular Chinese medicine ingredient....
Sugar in TCM: A Spoonful of Sugar Makes The Chinese Medicine Go Down 

Sugar in TCM: A Spoonful of Sugar Makes The Chinese Medicine Go Down 

In China, sugar isn’t considered a harmful substance. In fact, it’s got some upsides, including acting as a medicinal treat. Explore how TCM views...
Try These 2 TCM Anti-Aging Hacks: Support Lymph Drainage and Blood Circulation

Try These 2 TCM Anti-Aging Hacks: Support Lymph Drainage and Blood Circulation

Do you want to increase your chances of living a longer, more active life — but not want to put in the hard work?...
What Do Your Dreams Mean According To Traditional Chinese Medicine?

What Do Your Dreams Mean According To Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Being chased, falling, losing teeth, flying, showing up for a test naked…are these dreams random, or do they say something about our health? Here’s...
A Scorching Heat Wave: Damp Heat, Phlegm & Fire In TCM

A Scorching Heat Wave: Damp Heat, Phlegm & Fire In TCM

Damp Heat, Phlegm, and Fire are three key imbalances that can disrupt your health. Discover how each condition affects your body and explore effective...

The 5 Cardinal Functions in Traditional Chinese Medicine

The 5 cardinal functions of TCM are integral to maintaining health and understanding disease processes. Understanding how they integrate with 5 Element Theory provides...
Sheng Mai Yin: The Best Qi-Replenishing Summer Drink 

Sheng Mai Yin: The Best Qi-Replenishing Summer Drink 

Excessive sweating zaps your life force and depletes your Blood. Sheng Mai Yin is like TCM Gatorade. A drink you can make at home...
Cistanche in TCM: The Vitality-Boosting Miracle of “Desert Ginseng”

Cistanche in TCM: The Vitality-Boosting Miracle of “Desert Ginseng”

Cistanche, known as Rou Cong Rong in TCM, survives in some of the most inhospitable landscapes. Its resilience in nature explains why it’s used...
TCM For Mood: How Chinese Herbs Resolve Disturbed “Shen”

TCM For Mood: How Chinese Herbs Resolve Disturbed “Shen”

There’s no substitute for pharmacological interventions if you have a diagnosed mood disorder, however, TCM can play an effective complementary role. Here’s how. ...
Emotionally Aligned: 6 Common Expressions in English and Chinese

Emotionally Aligned: 6 Common Expressions in English and Chinese

Chinese and English aren’t so different, at least when it comes to these emotional turmoil idioms. Traditional Chinese Medicine has a language of its...
No Baloney, Abalone Shell Is A Popular Traditional Chinese Medicine

No Baloney, Abalone Shell Is A Popular Traditional Chinese Medicine

Abalone shells make great gifts for jewelry, home decor, and more. But in TCM, they are also highly valued as a medicine for excess...
Kidneys In TCM: The Minister of Power & Root Of Life

Kidneys In TCM: The Minister of Power & Root Of Life

In TCM, the Kidney system is like the body’s early warning system for premature aging. Learn why all disease patterns start in the Kidney...
Don’t Let Them See You Sweat (Too Much): Sweat In TCM

Don’t Let Them See You Sweat (Too Much): Sweat In TCM

Many people think it’s healthy to be dripping with sweat after doing intense exercise. But ask a TCM expert and you’ll likely get a...