Via our secure server, it is the most secure, instant, and precise way.
By email
Please specify the product name and quantity you want to buy along with your credit card information (number, holder's name, expiration date, and the 3- or 4- digits identification number of your credit card, billing address) and shipping address. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Send your email to
By Fax
You will need to provide the same information as the email order and Fax your order to 1-858-457-4374. Printable order form is available for download.
By mail
Please print an order form first. Mail your filled form with your payment (check or money order) to:
ActiveHerb Technology, Inc.
8830 Rehco Road, Suite E, San Diego, CA 92121
Local pickup
If you are in San Diego, you may stop by our office to make a direct purchase. Our office hours are Mon-Fri 8 am to 5 pm Pacific time.
To save time, we suggest you first place your order online and select the local pickup option at checkout. In this way, you can quickly come to pick it up and go.
Ways to order at ActiveHerb