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An All Natural Chinese Herbal Supplement
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人人都想保持理想的体重。遗憾的是当今美国人中有2/3的人体重超标,超标人群中1/2的人患肥胖症。 尽管人们尝试各类能用的减肥方法,但腰围还是照样在不断地变粗。肥胖已成当今突出的社会问题。毫无疑问,肥胖与生活方式息息相关。 如果你经常吃高能量的“垃圾食品”,又长时间坐在室内,很少有户外活动,那么你的体重超标就不足为奇了。一个人的生活方式很难改变, 健康的饮食习惯又不容易坚持。目前减肥的处方药是令人失望的。它们要不没有达到预期的效果,要不就是带来意想不到的副作用。 近期,FDA批准了两个新的减肥药物:Qsymia和Belviq,但它们的临床效果仍然需要观察。

Slimin™ 是一种维持健康体重的纯天然草本膳食补充剂。Slimin™是ActiveHerb(活力草)源于历史悠久的传统中药配方并结合现代生物医学研究研制而成的。 从中医的角度来看,肥胖多与脾气虚弱,痰湿壅盛等有关。如《内经》曰:“素嗜肥甘,好酒色,体肥痰盛”。中医中的“痰”并非只指一般概念中的痰, 而是指多余的代谢废物如脂肪组织在体内的异常积聚,是病理性产物;湿是指水分。肥胖的人在体内由于过多的水分集聚常常会浮肿。 许多众所周知有化痰利湿作用的中药常用来减肥。许多临床案例显示这些健脾化痰利湿的中药配方能有效地控制体重。†

Slimin™是由6味具有益气健脾,化痰利湿的中药组成:荷叶,山楂,泽泻,茯苓,黄芪,白术。实践已证明这6味草药,无论是单味服用, 还是联合配方都能减少水潴留和/或降低脂肪含量。Slimin™是一个安全,可靠的减肥中成药。无论你是想减掉几磅或只是想保持你目前的健康体重,Slimin™都非常适合。 除了减肥,Slimin™也有许多其他的好处。


中医也许是唯一在现代生物医学的阴影中幸存下来的传统医学体系。中医已经有2000多年的历史,中医主要包括中医基础理论, 中药,方剂, 中医临床,针灸等。中医的基础理论是对人体生命活动和疾病变化规律的理论概括,它主要包括阴阳、五行、气血津液、脏象、经络、运气等学说, 以及病因、病机、诊法、辨证、治则治法、预防、养生等内容。中草药品种繁多,有记载的中草药就有上万种。历代医家经过长期的医疗实践,根据组方原则和结构, 选择适宜药物组合而成的各种不同方剂。中医学的理论体系来源于实践,并长期指导实践。 诚然,中医理论从现代生物医学角度是难以证实的。 但是,中药和方剂的有效药用效果和临床疗效是支持中医生存的真正力量。多项生物医学研究已经显示Slimin™的大多数成份的药理作用与它们在中医临床中实际作用相一致。


过多的脂肪在体内沉积是导致肥胖的重要因素。Slimin™能使你保持健康的胆固醇代谢。研究显示Slimin™中使用的山楂,泽泻,荷叶, 黄芪能支持正常的胆固醇水平。


用Slimin™你不需要忍受节食所带来的饥饿无力的痛苦。实际上,Slimin™从几个方面能提高你的体力。首先,黄芪、白术能益气健脾。 若是元气不足,人就可能会出现精神不振,疲乏无力、呼吸短促、动则汗出、语声低微、面色苍白等诸多不适。第二 ,黄芪、茯苓、白术一起使用,能加强消化功能, 从食物中更好地获取精微物质来补益气血,平衡阴阳。因此,Slimin™能补中益气。第三,当身体精力充沛时,就不需要依靠吃更多的食物来补充能量。


Slimin™另一个优点是促进消化功能。黄芪、茯苓、白术一起服用有利水渗湿,补气,健脾之功,促进脾胃消化功能。 从食物中更好地获取精微物质来补益气血,平衡阴阳。


Slimin™ 也有助于保护自身健全的免疫功能。临床上黄芪常与白术配伍以增强机体的免疫力,抵抗外邪入侵。 许多研究发现黄芪可通过多种途径提高免疫功能。 黄芪补气升阳,固表止汗,利水消肿; 白术有益气健脾,燥湿利水,止汗。 其中黄芪为实卫,白术则可以培中固里,使脾健正气盛,可达内外兼顾效果, 还能提升机体的抗氧化能力,和加固神经细胞的保护作用。

中药名 英文 拼音
黄芪 Astragalus root Huang Qi
山楂 Chinese hawthorn fruit Shan Zha
白术 Bai-zhu atractylodes rhizome Bai Zhu
茯苓 Poria sclerotium Fu Ling
荷叶 Sacred lotus leaf He Ye
泽泻 Asian water plantain rhizome Ze Xie



ActiveHerb™ 百分之百信誉保证

值得注意的是目前美国市场上许多所谓纯天然的减肥产品事实上里面都违法添加了一些减肥西药成分(如已经禁止的西布曲明), 用来实现所谓的减肥效果。活力草以其卓越的市场信誉保证[%ME_PROD_NAME%]含有的成分百分之百纯天然,没有任何违禁成分的添加。它所有功效都是源于配方本身。 [%ME_PROD_NAME%]无防腐剂,无酒精,无人工香味或色素,无麸质,不加糖。并通过重金属检测符合严格的美国药典标准。[%ME_PROD_NAME%]在美国依GMP标准生产。

ActiveHerb Advantages
  • 应对现代生活对身心健康的挑战;
  • 源于传统医学,验证于现代医学;
  • 超浓缩科学萃取(五倍或更高);
  • 纯植物纯天然;
  • 不含任何西药成分,人工色素和糖等添加物;
  • 通过重金属检测,符合美国药典标准;
  • 美国GMP认证工厂生产;
How do I use it?
    Side Effects
    Disclaimer: Product reviews solely reflect the views and opinions expressed by the contributors and not those of ActiveHerb and are provided for informational purposes only. ActiveHerb does not verify or endorse any claims made in these reviews. Please read the full product reviews disclaimer.
    Slimin™ is rated 3.8 out of 5 by 43.
    • y_2025, m_3, d_25, h_7
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    • CLOUD, getAggregateRating, 63.14ms
    Rated 5 out of 5 by from Works well I purchased 6 bottles as recommended and began taking 8/11/18. This formula addresses 4 conditions that are important to me; weight loss, lower cholesterol, improve energy and immune system. Although I eat a healthy diet, my energy was poor (leading to a sedentary lifestyle) so I was gaining weight instead of losing weight. I am on my 3rd bottle and take 6 capsules a day. I did not take any for a few weeks because I was taking a formula for anxiety. In 2 months and still on 3rd bottle my energy and digestion is improved, I have lost 4 pounds and 1.5 inches in my waist. I have not checked cholesterol yet I have no doubt it is improved because another formula has greatly improved my ratios.
    Date published: 2018-10-13
    Rated 5 out of 5 by from Natural feeling appetite supressant I bought 3 bottles a few months ago and I really love how this suppressed my appetite without feeling sick. I have tried appetite suppressants made by sports companies and those will upset my stomach or give me constipation. In addition, a lot of those have caffeine. This one is caffeine-free and help me stay on track with my healthy eating. I have lost about 3 lbs using 3 of the bottles. I know its not much weight but I don't have that much weight to lose in the first place; I have just been in a bad place overeating/binging late at night and this helped me take control of my appetite.
    Date published: 2017-04-07
    Rated 4 out of 5 by from Suppresses appetite I’ve been using Slimin for 5 months. The bottle states to allow at least 4 weeks of daily use before expecting noticeable results. For me, at about week 5-6, I realized I was not snacking or having cravings. I’ve lost a couple of pounds without changing my eating habits. I take 3 capsules twice a day. One thing to note, in my experience, continuous daily use is necessary. I was without the Slimin capsules for two weeks while traveling. Mid-day and late night cravings started back up and it look about 6 weeks of resumed daily use to suppress my appetite again.
    Date published: 2022-03-26
    Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great I really love this product! I haven't lost any weight yet but what it does do is help me not be hungry. I was taking it regularly for a while and then I ran out and just never got around to reordering. Then one day I was irritated that no matter what I just seemed to be hungry and remembered that I had been taking those slimin pills and they had been helping me not be hungry. Once I got mine again and started up, it was just like before, reduced hunger. I love it.
    Date published: 2015-08-27
    Rated 5 out of 5 by from Go To Quarantine Supplement I got my jeans buttoned a few days ago and my son didn't understand why I was so excited. This product was recommended to me by my acupuncturist. Since I started taking 4 twice a day, I've seen a difference. I would recommend that the company start selling larger quantities to reduce plastic.
    Date published: 2020-06-09
    Rated 1 out of 5 by from Made me very tired I was hoping this formula would work for me, as I’d like to drop a few lbs. Unfortunately, every time I took it, I got very sleepy. I did some trial and error to see if it was anything else in my diet making me tired, but it wasn’t. It had no affect on my appetite or weight, just made me tired.
    Date published: 2022-07-21
    Rated 4 out of 5 by from Pleased I've only been taking Slimin for less than a month. It feels gentle and seems to be helping with digestion. I only have about five pounds that I would like to lose, so the gentle digestive and appetite suppressant benefits are just right.
    Date published: 2017-09-11
    Rated 5 out of 5 by from Works great! I have been taking this product for 2 weeks and so far i lost 5 pounds. I have been eating more soups and doing light excercise and this product does give me more energy. I just ordered 2 more bottles.
    Date published: 2015-12-01
    • y_2025, m_3, d_25, h_7
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    • clientName_activeherb
    • bvseo_sdk, p_sdk, 3.2.0
    • CLOUD, getReviews, 73.27ms
    Product Q&A

    Can this product (Slimin) be taken over a long period of time?

    Asked by: imaihall
    Hi, Yes. It is a safe product that can be taken for months. As with any product, user discretion is advised. Thank you.
    Answered by: ActiveHerb_Comment
    Date published: 2024-12-29

    When will this product be back in stock?

    Asked by: Dolly
    Thanks for the question. We expect it back in stock in August. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Answered by: ActiveHerb_Answers
    Date published: 2024-10-17

    Can I take it together with YinVive and LiverVive?

    Asked by: Thanawan

    Can this be taken when also taking HairVive?

    Asked by: bgearz

    The instructions mention increasing the dosage if you are a higher weight. At what weight should a person consider increasing the dose?

    Asked by: JKH3378

    How does this differ from Weitalite? Is one or the other better for weight management for women over 40?

    Asked by: JBD10
    • y_2025, m_3, d_25, h_7CST
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    • clientName_activeherb
    • bvseo_sdk, p_sdk, 3.2.0
    • CLOUD, getContent, 21.99ms
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