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Manage Weight the Natural Herbal Way: Easier Than Counting Calories

By November 28th, 2018
TCM Formulas For Weight Management

According to all the late night infomercials, weight loss is super easy.

All you have to do is this:

And if that doesn’t work, give this a try:

But if weight loss were so easy, there wouldn’t be a million and one solutions.

Yes, it’s true that TCM formulas for weight management support are just another of the many supplements sold on the market.

The reason they work, though, is that because they correct internal balances.

Weight Loss Strategies From a Western Perspective

How Chinese herbal weight loss formulas work will be discussed shortly.

But first, let’s address an important distinction: in the west, weight loss focuses on just diet and exercise.

Without doubt, what you eat and how much you’re active are extremely important. But as you’ll see with traditional Chinese medicine theory, diet and exercise are not the only factors.

Besides, if diet and exercise alone were enough to lose weight, there wouldn’t be so many different types of diets.

Besides, if diet and exercise alone were enough to lose weight, there wouldn’t be so many different types of diets. Many people fail with the western approach to dieting, in part, because diets are too difficult to stick with.

Eat this, not that. Count your carbs. And your calories. Weigh your food. Skip meals. Eat only 500 calories twice a week. Track your food and activity with an app, etc.

There’s nothing wrong with these strategies. The problem, however, is that these are all external fixes.

And there’s no guarantee that they will work. Perhaps they will in the short-term; most of these weight loss “hacks” are unsustainable. Do you really think you’ll go the rest of your life weighing “macros”(macronutrients: carbs, protein, fat) before each meal?

Weight Management From a TCM Perspective

Eastern medicine also considers diet and lack of physical exercise co-factors in obesity and being overweight.

But in contrast to promising weight loss with dubious devices like this:

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) addresses weight management with the theories of Yin-Yang balance (homeostasis) and Qi efficiency.

If you’re carrying excess body weight and fat, it’s obviously a sign that your body is not in a state of homeostasis.

In order to address this imbalance, you have to build/nourish your Qi. Although it’s possible to lose weight if you are Qi deficient, it will only be for the short-term.

It’s one thing to do a cleanse or detox diet for a few days to lose 10 pounds so you can squeeze into that wedding dress. But what’s going to happen once you’re at the wedding and celebrating? You’re going to start putting the extra weight right back on.

Admittedly, taking TCM formulas for weight management is in itself a quick fix.

But before you even take a look at herbal formulas, understand something first.

Different Internal Causes for Being Overweight

Taking a herbal formula to nourish your Qi is a step in the right direction. But there isn’t one root cause of excess body weight in TCM.

However, there are several internal imbalances that are responsible for weight gain.

Liver stagnation, Blood/Qi stagnation, Phlegm/Dampness, and Spleen/Kidney Yang deficiency can all contribute to packing on the pounds.

This review is intended for a general overview and introductory-course level understanding. Thus, the four major patterns above will not be mentioned in great detail.

However, it is worth explaining them at the tip-of-the-iceberg level to get a good idea of how TCM formulas for weight management work.

If you have chronic stress, you may have Liver Qi stagnation.

Liver Qi stagnation can lead to strong negative emotions such as anger and depression. In TCM theory, emotions clearly play a part in weight gain.

That’s because if Qi is not flowing freely in the Liver organ system, it creates lack of harmony between the Spleen and Liver organ systems. This, in turn, may cause fluid retention.

And consequently, fat, phlegm and dampness can accumulate in the tissues. Stagnant bodily fluid can also manifest as Spleen Qi deficiency. When Qi is blocked in the Spleen meridian system, metabolic waste accumulates. Spleen is the major digestive organ in TCM theory.

TCM Formulas For Weight Management: An Herbal Approach For Internal Harmony


Our best-selling formula for supporting weight is Slimin.

Slimin works by expelling phlegm and dampness.

While phlegm is associated with nasal and bronchial discharge, in TCM theory, it’s any metabolic byproduct that can’t find it’s way out the body via elimination; it’s stuck in the tissues. And when you have excess dampness, it’s easy to gain weight because of water retention.

By expelling both phlegm and dampness, Slimin may help control your weight.

Weight gain because of poor detoxification


In TCM theory, external influences can also cause weight gain. One of the so-called “6 Evils” in Chinese Medicine—Wind Heat—may trigger a domino effect that can lead to weight gain. In this case, it’s a sign of toxicity in the body. Our formula, Weitaless helps purge toxins from the body.

Weight gain because of water retention

Wateroff is an ancient formula that’s the most-prescribed for eliminating dampness and promoting urination.

Weight gain because of high cholesterol and poor metabolism


Hawthopower features hawthorn berry, which may help support normal cholesterol levels in individuals that already have a normal cholesterol level.

For more information on our formulas for weight management support, click here.