ActiveHerb Stock New Arrival and Update

We are very glad to announce that today we received a much-awaited new shipment.
It contains items that our customers rely on to support the immune system. These include Yin Qiao Jie Du Pian (Cold Signoff), Chuan Xin Lian Kang Yan Wan (InflamClear), and Ge Gen Tang Pian (Kudzu Relaxe).
In the spirit of helping as many customers as possible to defend themselves with our products, we have put quantity limits on certain products. We would appreciate it if our customers do not place double orders for those items.
Perhaps you’re concerned because you count on our products for managing your health. And as a result, you’re wondering whether or not the products you depend on are in stock.
We are deeply committed to serving our customers and are doing everything we can to maintain our inventory.
As this pandemic is unprecedented, demands for some products have skyrocketed. Consequently, we recently sold out of a few items. However, we have a strong supply chain and our manufacturers in China are working around the clock to produce them. We do not expect a major disruption of supplies.
In the last few weeks, we have been experiencing an increase of orders. We sincerely thank you for the faith you have put in us during this uncertain time.
Right now, our top two priorities are making sure everyone is safe from the coronavirus and that your orders are shipped on time.
We have sent non-essential staff working remotely and disabled the option of local order pickups. Our warehouse surfaces are clean and thoroughly disinfected. Everybody in the company is in good health and in good spirits. We will try to return emails and phone messages in a timely manner. But we apologize if we are unable to do so in a punctual manner during this unprecedented event.
As a result, we respectfully ask our customers to be mindful in sending us emails or making calls as we are overwhelmed with order fulfillment. Most answers to common questions can be found on our website.
Thank you for your support. We hope everyone will stay healthy and strong.
(Stay tuned for our next newsletter, which will include more tips for boosting immunity from a traditional Chinese medicine perspective).