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I Wish I Could Have Helped My Mom Manage Her Stress

By July 3rd, 2017

I wish I could go back in time and give this special formula to help my mother….

Before I explain, allow me to briefly introduce myself. My name is Sheldon Li and I’m the co-founder of ActiveHerb.

I grew up in China during the ’70s when the Cultural Revolution was going on and ordinary Chinese people lived in extreme hardships. My parents and millions of others struggled mightily to put food on the table. To put it mildly, living during this era was stressful.

Even though my grandparent practiced traditional Chinese medicine, nobody in my family, or anybody I knew for that matter, coped with stress by taking this formula I’m about to share with you….

See, the problem was extreme hardship was so common during the Cultural Revolution; stress wasn’t a recognized medical problem like it is today. Chinese medicine was dispensed if you got sick or had physical pain, it wasn’t a mechanism for dealing with general stress.

The sad thing is, many people in the U.S. today don’t get the help they need for stress. And even in modern China, many people there still don’t realize that traditional medicine can help the body and mind much better deal with stress.

The formula I wish I could have given my mother is called ‘Xiao Yao San.’

I regret to say I can’t help my mother. In retrospect, I remember she got easily irritated and complained about discomfort in the flank region from time to time and bitter mouth, all typical signs for the application of Xiao Yao San, which also supports a more positive mood. carries this traditional Chinese herbal medicine, labeled as EaseTonic™, which is part of our ‘Modern Essentials’ line.

And it wasn’t until after I co-founded that I started taking this formula myself.

I take EaseTonic for stress-management support. Thankfully, my life is not nearly as stressful as my childhood during the Cultural Revolution. But I often work 7 days a week running a business.

How does EaseTonic work? You see, stress of any kind impedes liver Qi (life force). If healthy liver Qi is like a free-flowing river, stress turns liver qi into a swamp! EaseTonic improves liver Qi.

One of the reasons I love waking up in the morning (even though I know I’m going to be working very long hours) is the emails and letters we get from customers telling us how much EaseTonic™ has helped.

EaseTonic won’t work overnight, but within a couple weeks, you should notice an improvement in your outlook. If you’re not 100% satisfied, you can return EaseTonic within 30 days for a full refund, no questions asked.

(And for women, EaseTonic also supports the menstrual cycle.)

You know, If I could go back in time I’d not only give EaseTonic to my mom, I’d also have taken it myself. I try not to dwell on the past. But looking back, what I and my family and millions of others went through seems surreal now.

Of course, taking EaseTonic wouldn’t have made life a picnic in Disneyland during the Cultural Revolution. But maybe it would have helped make those dark days a little easier to cope with…