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Why I put myself on EaseTonic

By March 22nd, 2018

Some may have heard about the recent development in China, namely a pullback in its political system. As someone who grew up in China, China is a country dear to my heart. Over the years I have witnessed its great economic achievements, of which I am proud. I am hopeful that China will further emerge as a land of democracy and freedom. I do not expect this to happen overnight. Nevertheless the transition should occur at a slow, yet steady pace.

Over the past weeks, however, things seem to have taken a turn. China’s state media start to applaud the rebirth of a great leader. Slogans I thought I would never hear again in my lifetime reappear. The term limitation on the presidency is lifted. History appears repeating itself to where it began 40 years ago.

I feel stuck and disappointed. I am anxious and more prone to irritation. I feel helpless or even hopeless at times. Yes, I feel some anger as well. I thought these feelings would go away in a matter of days. Instead, they have handicapped me for weeks now. I start to get a personal sense of what “Qi stagnation” means in traditional Chinese medicine (Getting angry literally is gathering Qi in Chinese.) I know this is what I am experiencing.

To encourage a more positive outlook, I decide to put myself on EaseTonic from today.