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TCM Concepts

Sexual Wellness In Chinese Medicine: It’s All In Your Kidneys

Sexual Wellness In Chinese Medicine: It’s All In Your Kidneys

Improving sexual wellness using herbal remedies isn't as easy as popping a little blue pill and waiting 45 minutes. But that doesn't mean Chinese...

Zang Fu Organ Theory: The Yin/Yang of Your Internal Body

When you think of the word "organ" you probably have in mind a singular organ, such as your liver. But in traditional Chinese medicine,...

The 8 Principles of TCM: Going Beyond Yin & Yang to Assess Imbalances

The 8 Principles of TCM are used to assess and correct imbalances in health in traditional Chinese Medicine.  The 8 Principles of TCM assesses...

6 Evils of TCM: Ancient theory for assessing imbalance

For many centuries, the theory of the Six Evils in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has served as a diagnostic tool of sorts to determine the...
What is Jing in TCM -- from the Blog

Got Jing? Your Overall Health Depends On It!

Wondering what “Jing” is in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)? It’s one of the so-called “3 treasures” and your overall health largely depends on preserving...
4 Levels Theory of TCM -- From the Blog

4 Levels Theory (卫气营血辨证): Learning How Diseases Progress in TCM

The 4 Levels Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a diagnostic philosophy, or more accurately, a flow chart of how certain diseases, which are...
Origins of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) -- From the Blog

How Did Traditional Chinese Medicine Develop?

The origins of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) are at least 5,000 years old. How were theories of acupuncture, meridians and Qi, etc. established?  ...
What is Blood in TCM from the blog

What is Blood in TCM and What Are its Functions?

We seldom think about our blood, unless it's absolutely necessary. But TCM practitioners constantly think about blood, and here's how the precious liquid is...
What are meridians and are they real from blog

What Are Meridians And Are They Real?

“What are meridians of the body? And are meridian lines real?” are questions newcomers to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) often ask. From the western...
What is Qi in TCM from blog

What is Qi Exactly & Can You Replenish It?

Qi, like Yin and Yang, may be considered esoteric subjects to those who are unfamiliar with TCM. Learn what Qi's all about and why...
5 Elements of TCM: From the blog

What is The 5 Elements Theory in TCM and How Does it Apply to Your Health?

5 Elements of TCM Theory was devised many centuries ago. However, the theories can be used to address modern health concerns....
Cupping therapy in traditional Chinese medicine from the blog.

Beyond the Bruising: Can cupping therapy speed up sport injury healing?

You've seen the circular, purple bruises but have no clue what they are... This is the hallmarks of cupping therapy. Learn more about it...
What is Yin and Yang? From the Blog

Yin and Yang in TCM: Beyond the Trendy Design of College Dorm Room Posters, Tattoos, and Necklaces

You've heard of Yin and Yang. But do you know exactly what they are? If you guessed "opposites", well, that's not the whole picture....
Chinese Herbal Formulas for Blood Sugar Support

Chinese Herbal Formulas for Blood Sugar Support

The “root causes” of blood sugar management difficulties are due to a deficiency of Kidney and Spleen. The correlation between any given symptom and...

TCM Theory Made “Easy Peasy” – A Book Review of Between Heaven and Earth

Between Heaven and Earth- A Guide to Chinese Medicine is a book that doesn’t so ridiculously lack explanation that it makes the paper an...

Bouncing: Doing What Tiggers Do Best

I like to use the association with this popular fictional character so that people will remember something very important. It creates a unique...