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My Health Topics

TCM Herbs That Warm The Interior On A Cold Winter’s Day

TCM Herbs That Warm The Interior On A Cold Winter’s Day

If a Cold invasion strikes this winter, your Qi and Blood flow may suffer. But fear not because there are time-tested TCM herbs that...
How Does Traditional Chinese Medicine Explain & Resolve Bad Breath?

How Does Traditional Chinese Medicine Explain & Resolve Bad Breath?

You brush, floss, use mouthwash and even tongue scrape. But you still have bad breath. What gives? Here’s how TCM explains bad breath. ...
Autumn in TCM: A Season For Letting Go & Immune Support

Autumn in TCM: A Season For Letting Go & Immune Support

Autumn’s dry, cool air can challenge the immune system. Learn how TCM can help you seamlessly adjust to the new season, maintaining good health...
Heat vs Ice: How Does TCM Help Sports Injury Recovery?

Heat vs Ice: How Does TCM Help Sports Injury Recovery?

The debate still rages on: Heat or ice for sports injuries? Where does Traditional Chinese Medicine stand on recovery? ...
Why Is Honey Used in Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine?

Why Is Honey Used in Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine?

A herb that’s used in Chinese medicine can come in 2 different forms, one of which is honey-processed. Learn why honey-processing might have its...
The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is… A Weak Kidney System

The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is… A Weak Kidney System

Every organ system in TCM has a corresponding emotion. If you’ve been feeling fearful lately, strengthening your Kidney system may help. ...
What Is Damp Heat in TCM & How Do You Know If You Have It?

What Is Damp Heat in TCM & How Do You Know If You Have It?

Damp-Heat doesn’t just describe the weather in Miami in August. Although this TCM pattern can be related to weather exposure, there are more factors...
Hawthorn Berry TCM Iced Tea: The Healthiest Drink For Summer

Hawthorn Berry TCM Iced Tea: The Healthiest Drink For Summer

In certain areas of China, Hawthorn berry iced tea is more popular in the summertime than cola. Besides the refreshing taste, one possible benefit...
Top 3 TCM Formulas For Traveling (Don’t Leave Home Without ‘Em!)

Top 3 TCM Formulas For Traveling (Don’t Leave Home Without ‘Em!)

Traveling provides lifelong memories but it can be very stressful. These 3 traditional Chinese medicine formulas may help make your trip more enjoyable. ...
How To Support Vaginal Health With TCM

How To Support Vaginal Health With TCM

Almost every woman will experience unpleasant vaginal discharge at some point in their lives. Here’s how lifestyle factors and traditional Chinese herbs can help....
Goji Berries in TCM: The Legendary Anti-Aging Herb & Now, Superfood

Goji Berries in TCM: The Legendary Anti-Aging Herb & Now, Superfood

Goji berries have been used as medicine and food in TCM for centuries. But it’s been less than 20 years since they have achieved...
Leaky Gut & TCM: Applying Ancient Wisdom To A Modern Health Concern

Leaky Gut & TCM: Applying Ancient Wisdom To A Modern Health Concern

Leaky gut is a health concern you won’t find mentioned in any traditional Chinese medicine textbook classics. But that doesn’t mean ancient TCM lacks...


How I Easily Lost 6 Pounds and Balanced My Lipid Panel

How I Easily Lost 6 Pounds and Balanced My Lipid Panel

ActiveHerb Chairman, Sheldon Li, PhD had a full confidence on his health until he recently went for a physical and saw something unexpected. Learn...
How To Live To 101 Using These 5 TCM Anti Aging Tips

How To Live To 101 Using These 5 TCM Anti Aging Tips

How can you not only increase your chances of living longer but also having a decent quality of life well into old age? Here’s...
Best Foods For The 5 TCM Elements

Best Foods For The 5 TCM Elements

One person’s food is another’s poison—especially in traditional Chinese medicine. Depending on your element, eating something as seemingly healthy as salad could throw you...
Ayurveda & TCM: Exploring The Similarities & Differences Of These Ancient Systems

Ayurveda & TCM: Exploring The Similarities & Differences Of These Ancient Systems

Is the comparison of two of the most venerated traditional systems of medicine the world has ever seen apples to oranges or apples...
These Will Be The 5 Biggest TCM Trends of 2022

These Will Be The 5 Biggest TCM Trends of 2022

What will be next year’s biggest health trends? Will interest in traditional Chinese medicine continue to rise? Find out… ...
Ignore These 3 Western Diet Trends To Manage Weight

Ignore These 3 Western Diet Trends To Manage Weight

To stay healthy during the holidays, should you go on a low-carb diet? How about a grain-free diet that combines intermittent fasting. Not so,...
Herbal Energy Drinks: These 5 Chinese Herbal Teas Wake You Up From A Food Coma

Herbal Energy Drinks: These 5 Chinese Herbal Teas Wake You Up From A Food Coma

When it’s time to get off the couch after passing out from a holiday meal, these 5 TCM Herbal Energy Drinks can bring you...