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Avoid a Damp Heat Invasion in Summer Using TCM

It might be tempting to eat and drink really cold things to cool off in the heart of the summer. But doing so can...
What is Yin and Yang? From the Blog

Yin and Yang in TCM: Beyond the Trendy Design of College Dorm Room Posters, Tattoos, and Necklaces

You've heard of Yin and Yang. But do you know exactly what they are? If you guessed "opposites", well, that's not the whole picture....

Chinese Medicine Researcher Awarded Nobel Prize For Malaria Cure

Yesterday, Tu Youyou was awarded this year’s Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. This is the first time a China-based scientist has won a...



Test Liquor by detecting DNA? Why the New York Attorney General’s test on herbal supplements is likely flawed?

Early this week I was shocked at reading the news that the New York Attorney General (NYAG) is accusing 4 US national retailers, Walgreen,...

Herbal Medicine: Does it Work?

Interested in trying herbal medicine? You’re not alone! The popularity of herbal medicine is steadily increasing in the United States. Surveys have showed that...

Herbal Medicines: Are They Safe?

As someone who has worked for more than 20 years in the field of cutting-edge biomedical research, I have witnessed the debate over the...