According to 5 Element Theory, Water is the TCM element for winter. If you want to stay healthy and balanced this time of year, learn how to nourish your most important organs in winter....
You already know that your body has a network of invisible energetic streams coursing through it called meridians. Now it’s time to get to know the 3 dantian energy reservoirs....
Is the comparison of two of the most venerated traditional systems of medicine the world has ever seen apples to oranges or apples to apples? Are Ayurveda & TCM mostly the same or...
‘tis the season for your Lungs to be at their most vulnerable. You can’t afford to have Lung Qi Deficiency right now. Learn how to nourish the organ that dominates and controls your overall...
Feeling stiff and achy? Maybe there’s more to it than your age. In TCM, the condition known as “Bi Syndrome” explains discomfort in the joints and muscles. Here’s how TCM can help…
Kudzu is a green, climbing vine that’s considered by many to be an invasive species, swallowing up native vegetation. But it’s been used for 2,000 years for a wide variety of uses, including supporting...
Are you exhausted for no good reason? Are you pale, cold and run down, even if you aren’t sick or doing strenuous exercise? These are indications that you may have the TCM pattern of...