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Author: ActiveHerb

What Do Your Dreams Mean According To Traditional Chinese Medicine?

What Do Your Dreams Mean According To Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Being chased, falling, losing teeth, flying, showing up for a test naked…are these dreams random, or do they say something about our health? Here’s...
A Scorching Heat Wave: Damp Heat, Phlegm & Fire In TCM

A Scorching Heat Wave: Damp Heat, Phlegm & Fire In TCM

Damp Heat, Phlegm, and Fire are three key imbalances that can disrupt your health. Discover how each condition affects your body and explore effective...

The 5 Cardinal Functions in Traditional Chinese Medicine

The 5 cardinal functions of TCM are integral to maintaining health and understanding disease processes. Understanding how they integrate with 5 Element Theory provides...
Alchemy in TCM: Transform Your Health For A Healthy Lifespan

Alchemy in TCM: Transform Your Health For A Healthy Lifespan

The forerunner of chemistry in the West, alchemy is an ancient practice shrouded in mystery, associated with transmuting base metals into gold. But in...
East Meets West: 10 Common Western Herbs Now Used in TCM

East Meets West: 10 Common Western Herbs Now Used in TCM

If a herb isn’t indigenous to China, can it still be called a Chinese herb? That’s medicinal food for thought! Here are some...
Sheng Mai Yin: The Best Qi-Replenishing Summer Drink 

Sheng Mai Yin: The Best Qi-Replenishing Summer Drink 

Excessive sweating zaps your life force and depletes your Blood. Sheng Mai Yin is like TCM Gatorade. A drink you can make at home...
Cistanche in TCM: The Vitality-Boosting Miracle of “Desert Ginseng”

Cistanche in TCM: The Vitality-Boosting Miracle of “Desert Ginseng”

Cistanche, known as Rou Cong Rong in TCM, survives in some of the most inhospitable landscapes. Its resilience in nature explains why it’s used...
TCM For Mood: How Chinese Herbs Resolve Disturbed “Shen”

TCM For Mood: How Chinese Herbs Resolve Disturbed “Shen”

There’s no substitute for pharmacological interventions if you have a diagnosed mood disorder, however, TCM can play an effective complementary role. Here’s how. ...
Is Air Conditioning Destroying Your Health?

Is Air Conditioning Destroying Your Health?

Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean your immune system can take a vacation. Air conditioning, according to TCM threatens Yin/Yang balance....
No Baloney, Abalone Shell Is A Popular Traditional Chinese Medicine

No Baloney, Abalone Shell Is A Popular Traditional Chinese Medicine

Abalone shells make great gifts for jewelry, home decor, and more. But in TCM, they are also highly valued as a medicine for excess...
Kidneys In TCM: The Minister of Power & Root Of Life

Kidneys In TCM: The Minister of Power & Root Of Life

In TCM, the Kidney system is like the body’s early warning system for premature aging. Learn why all disease patterns start in the Kidney...
Don’t Let Them See You Sweat (Too Much): Sweat In TCM

Don’t Let Them See You Sweat (Too Much): Sweat In TCM

Many people think it’s healthy to be dripping with sweat after doing intense exercise. But ask a TCM expert and you’ll likely get a...
Boost Brain Health With Gastrodia (Tian Ma) 

Boost Brain Health With Gastrodia (Tian Ma) 

Gastrodia (Tian Ma) is a traditional Chinese herb you should consider making room for in your supplement pantry because of its neuroprotective benefits....
Spring Forward With Sweetness & Fill Your Plate With Gan Foods. 

Spring Forward With Sweetness & Fill Your Plate With Gan Foods. 

Now that spring has sprung, it’s time to stop eating heavy comfort food that sustained your winter hibernation. Here’s exactly which “sweet” foods to...
Shi Chang Pu: A Versatile Phlegm Vaporizer & Orifice Opener

Shi Chang Pu: A Versatile Phlegm Vaporizer & Orifice Opener

Opening your orifices doesn’t sound like fun. But in TCM, there’s a huge benefit to doing that and Shi Chang Pu is one of...
Are You Full of Hot Air? A TCM Guide To Internal Heat

Are You Full of Hot Air? A TCM Guide To Internal Heat

Are you full of hot air from a TCM perspective? That is not to say that you talk too much without saying anything substantive,...
You’re Fired! How To “Put Out” Your Fire In Traditional Chinese Medicine

You’re Fired! How To “Put Out” Your Fire In Traditional Chinese Medicine

Nobody likes getting fired. In TCM, “getting fire” is a totally different concept. But like losing a job, having “fire” in the body is...
Too Much Sweetness In Your Life? Here’s How TCM May Reduce Sugar Cravings

Too Much Sweetness In Your Life? Here’s How TCM May Reduce Sugar Cravings

Do you have difficulty saying no to the sweet stuff? Sugar is highly addictive, but the good news is that traditional Chinese medicine may...
Use The Ancient Wisdom of TCM To Spice Up Your Valentine’s Day

Use The Ancient Wisdom of TCM To Spice Up Your Valentine’s Day

Traditional Chinese Medicine is like the Dr. Ruth of the Far East. For over 2,000 years, TCM has dispensed wisdom for revitalizing sexual appetite...
TCM Sleep Solutions for Every Sleep Struggle

TCM Sleep Solutions for Every Sleep Struggle

Whether you can’t turn off your mind at night, or easily fall back asleep after waking up in the middle of the night, TCM...