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Author: ActiveHerb

5 Elements of TCM: From the blog

What is The 5 Elements Theory in TCM and How Does it Apply to Your Health?

5 Elements of TCM Theory was devised many centuries ago. However, the theories can be used to address modern health concerns....
Cupping therapy in traditional Chinese medicine from the blog.

Beyond the Bruising: Can cupping therapy speed up sport injury healing?

You've seen the circular, purple bruises but have no clue what they are... This is the hallmarks of cupping therapy. Learn more about it...

Avoid a Damp Heat Invasion in Summer Using TCM

It might be tempting to eat and drink really cold things to cool off in the heart of the summer. But doing so can...
What is Yin and Yang? From the Blog

Yin and Yang in TCM: Beyond the Trendy Design of College Dorm Room Posters, Tattoos, and Necklaces

You've heard of Yin and Yang. But do you know exactly what they are? If you guessed "opposites", well, that's not the whole picture....

活力草拓展產品線 推出中藥複方濃縮顆粒

活力草公司(ActiveHerb™)是美國中醫藥領域的一個領軍企業。其旗下的廣慈堂(Guang Ci Tang®)品牌中成藥以其超級濃縮,可靠功效,安全,精良製作,公道價格享譽美國已經二十年。廣慈堂的一百餘種中成藥覆蓋健康的各個主要方面,為美國眾多消費者擁有一個健康而充滿活力的身體所必不可少,深受信賴。...
ActiveHerb to Donate 5% of Sales to Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief

ActiveHerb to Donate 5% of Sales to Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief

San Diego, Calif. (PRWEB) September 5, 2005 — ActiveHerb Technology, Inc. today announced that it will donate 5% of sales from September to help...
ActiveHerb to Donate 5% of Sales to China Earthquake & Myanmar Cyclone Relief

ActiveHerb to Donate 5% of Sales to China Earthquake & Myanmar Cyclone Relief

San Diego (PRWEB) May 15, 2008 — ActiveHerb Technology, Inc. announces to donate 5% of sales to China earthquake and Myanmar cyclone relief. Today...


ActiveHerb Technology, Inc. to Donate 5% of September Sales to Hurricane Katrina Relief

ActiveHerb Technology, Inc. to Donate 5% of September Sales to Hurricane Katrina Relief

San Diego, Calif. (PRWEB) September 5, 2005 — ActiveHerb Technology, Inc. today announced that it will donate 5% of sales from September to help...