The Triple Burner is one of the most esoteric concepts in TCM. It’s said to operate like an organ yet it has no form. The concept of the triple burner dates back over 2,000...
Traveling provides lifelong memories but it can be very stressful. These 3 traditional Chinese medicine formulas may help make your trip more enjoyable.
Almost every woman will experience unpleasant vaginal discharge at some point in their lives. Here’s how lifestyle factors and traditional Chinese herbs can help. ...
If you have frequent hiccuping, belching, food repeat, or a burning sensation in the upper part of the body, then your body is experiencing rebellious Qi. Here’s how to stop it.
You may know the pericardium as the sac that surrounds your heart. But in TCM, it does so much more, including serving as the key to a healthy love life.
Goji berries have been used as medicine and food in TCM for centuries. But it’s been less than 20 years since they have achieved superfood status in the U.S. Here’s why you should snack...
Leaky gut is a health concern you won’t find mentioned in any traditional Chinese medicine textbook classics. But that doesn’t mean ancient TCM lacks solutions.
Spring has sprung. The wood element governs. The Liver and Gallbladder are the corresponding organ systems. And here’s how to stay in balance this time of year. ...
How can you not only increase your chances of living longer but also having a decent quality of life well into old age? Here’s how, according to TCM.