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Month: August 2022

The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is… A Weak Kidney System

The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is… A Weak Kidney System

Every organ system in TCM has a corresponding emotion. If you’ve been feeling fearful lately, strengthening your Kidney system may help. ...
TCM Pulse Diagnosis: What’s Your Pulse Type?

TCM Pulse Diagnosis: What’s Your Pulse Type?

Pulse diagnosis is one of the main diagnostic assessments in TCM. But unlike Western medicine’s focus on pulse rate, there are approximately 30 different...
With Sperm Counts Falling, Can TCM Support Male Fertility?

With Sperm Counts Falling, Can TCM Support Male Fertility?

Throughout the ages, women are often blamed for the inability to conceive. But recent news suggests male sperm counts are plummeting. Can TCM help...
San Qi: Nourish Your Blood With Notoginseng

San Qi: Nourish Your Blood With Notoginseng

No, San Qi notoginseng is not the same as ginseng. The two legendary Chinese herbs are like first cousins, chemically-speaking but differ in how...