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Month: March 2022

Spring in TCM: Learning Life Lessons From The Wood Element

Spring in TCM: Learning Life Lessons From The Wood Element

Spring has sprung. The wood element governs. The Liver and Gallbladder are the corresponding organ systems. And here’s how to stay in balance this...
How To Live To 101 Using These 5 TCM Anti Aging Tips

How To Live To 101 Using These 5 TCM Anti Aging Tips

How can you not only increase your chances of living longer but also having a decent quality of life well into old age? Here’s...
Jin Ye: Preserve Your Precious Liquids To Stay Young

Jin Ye: Preserve Your Precious Liquids To Stay Young

Part of the secret to staying fit and active well into old age is having the perfect amount of Jin Ye, which are all...
Best Foods For The 5 TCM Elements

Best Foods For The 5 TCM Elements

One person’s food is another’s poison—especially in traditional Chinese medicine. Depending on your element, eating something as seemingly healthy as salad could throw you...