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Month: September 2021

What Are The 8 Extraordinary Meridians of TCM?

What Are The 8 Extraordinary Meridians of TCM?

So you think that there’s 12 meridians in the body? You’re actually off by quite a bit. In addition to the main principal energy...

Why I Say Guang Ci Tang Chinese Medicine Is Unparalleled

Customers say our products work well and succeed where others fail. Then what makes Guang Ci Tang Chinese medicine stand out?...


顾客反馈说我们的产品效果真好,而其它品牌的同名产品往往无效。 那么是什么让广慈堂中成药脱颖而出呢?...
Turmeric Uses In TCM: Beyond The Spice

Turmeric Uses In TCM: Beyond The Spice

Turmeric is best known for the spice that gives curry its yellowish hue. But in addition to its prominent use in the kitchen, turmeric...