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Month: February 2015

Ear Candles: Alternative Medicine or Ancient Hoax

A person referred to as a “charlatan” in the classic sense is being accused of resorting to quackery, pseudoscience, or some knowingly employed bogus...

活力草拓展產品線 推出中藥複方濃縮顆粒

活力草公司(ActiveHerb™)是美國中醫藥領域的一個領軍企業。其旗下的廣慈堂(Guang Ci Tang®)品牌中成藥以其超級濃縮,可靠功效,安全,精良製作,公道價格享譽美國已經二十年。廣慈堂的一百餘種中成藥覆蓋健康的各個主要方面,為美國眾多消費者擁有一個健康而充滿活力的身體所必不可少,深受信賴。...

Test Liquor by detecting DNA? Why the New York Attorney General’s test on herbal supplements is likely flawed?

Early this week I was shocked at reading the news that the New York Attorney General (NYAG) is accusing 4 US national retailers, Walgreen,...