What does it do?
中药名 | 英文 | 拼音 |
乌鸡 | Black bone chicken | Wu Ji |
地黄 | Rehmannia root tuber | Di Huang |
熟地黄 | Rehmannia cured root tuber | Shu Di Huang |
当归 | Dong quai root | Dang Gui |
鹿角胶 | Deer antler gelatin | Lu Jiao Jiao |
白芍 | Chinese peony root without bark | Bai Shao |
香附 | Cyperus rhizome | Xiang Fu |
丹参 | Chinese salvia root & rhizome | Dan Shen |
山药 | Chinese yam rhizome | Shan Yao |
鳖甲 | Tortoise shell | Bie Jia |
人参 | Asian ginseng root | Ren Shen |
黄芪 | Astragalus root | Huang Qi |
天门冬 | Chinese asparagus root tuber | Tian Men Dong |
川芎 | Sichuan lovage rhizome | Chuan Xiong |
芡实 | Euryale seed | Qian Shi |
鹿角霜 | Deer antler gelatin | Lu Jiao Shuang |
牡蛎 | Oyster shell | Mu Li |
桑螵蛸 | Mantis egg case | Sang Piao Xiao |
甘草 | Chinese licorice root & rhizome | Gan Cao |
银柴胡 | Stellaria dichotoma root | Yin Chai Hu |
由100%纯天然中药制成。每味中药都经真品检定,质量上乘。传统水合煎翠取中药精华,专门工艺浓缩和压片。每一片都易于服用,易于吸收,功效显著而安全。广慈堂®所有片剂在我们先进的cGMP认证工厂生产,并根据美国FDA 指南进口。当您选择广慈堂®产品时,您选择的是科学与传统的完美融合,享受的是当今中医药领域的最高标准。
Guang Ci Tang® Advantages
- 真正5倍高浓缩
- 为普通浓缩丸的加倍浓缩
- 含最少量辅料
- 不含任何西药成分,人工色素等添加物
- 通过重金属等检测
- 由cGMP认证工厂生产
- 无与伦比的价值
- 美国品牌
- 自1995年起安全专销美国市场
Check for an independent US lab test report.
How do I use it?
Differentiation in Usage
Youngain™ is closely related to You Gui Pian and YanVive™ in nourishing kidney Yang. Youngain™ is the strongest.
Side Effects
Disclaimer: Product reviews solely reflect the views and opinions expressed by the contributors and not those of ActiveHerb and are provided for informational purposes only. ActiveHerb does not verify or endorse any claims made in these reviews. Please read the full product reviews disclaimer.
LadiesTonic™ (Wu Ji Bai Feng Pian) is rated
out of
5 by
Rated 5 out of
Beherenow from
the search is over
for the past 6 years I have struggled with irregular cycles/ Heavy flows. It has been a pain for me and making plans throughout my month. It was so bad my period arrived 2 weeks earlier then expected ( last November) landing itself on my wedding day celebration ( luckily I survived with no scary tells to share) getting back to the vitamin - I started taking the LadiesTonic a little over 2 months ago consistently and I am happy to share that my period is back on track for the first time in many, many years weight a light flow . I am very satisfied with the supplement and will continue to take for many more years. Thank you for creating such a healing supplement.
Date published: 2020-09-01
Rated 4 out of
RosemarieNS from
Easy on stomach, see results quickly
I have been happily using this product for several years now. I have polycystic ovaries and hence a very irregular menstrual cycle. Ladies Tonic made me more regular and totally obliterated the harsh cramping I would get at the beginning and ending of the bleeding period. I have not had to use it every month, sometimes I would stop for many months and only pick it back up when I felt the beginning twinges of cramping. No side effects that I am aware of. Just an all round great sense of well being.
Date published: 2019-03-06
Rated 5 out of
DarB from
Effective herbal
Over the years after leaving the big city and beloved acupuncturist, we would search the internet under TCM and whatever ailment to find protocols to use in acupressure . In searching for such on a leaky bladder, found a useful article on the subject. It also mentioned mantis cradle as a very positive additive in a herbal formula for leaky bladder. Searching in Active Herb found Ladies Tonic contained mantis cradle. After fourth day could see great improvement with bladder.The next week forgot to take herbal, " oops"--no take, no work. Very good product.
Date published: 2019-03-27
Rated 5 out of
Lourdes from
Diminishing PMS
My 21 year old daughter began to use LadiesTonic right after she ended her last cycle. By the time her next cycle came, she noticed she was feeling so much better prior to her period and during the first two days. Which for most women are the toughest. She did not feel the fatigue and cramps that she begins to feel 3 to 4 days prior to her cycle. She took 5 tablets in the morning and 5 tablets in the evening.
Date published: 2019-06-19
Rated 5 out of
uyen_32223 from
excellent herbal
I bought 8 bottles 2 month s ago. I worked really well for lady with irregular period problem
Date published: 2015-06-02
Rated 5 out of
Kelly04 from
Stronger nails and hair
I've been taking this for a few months twice a day as an all purpose female balancer. Early on, to my surprise, my nails and hair got stronger. My nails had become brittle and my hair seemed to be thinning. For me this is a sign the product is doing its job with the benefit of looking younger.
Date published: 2019-08-20
Rated 5 out of
Char1980 from
Bringing back my period!
I'm 41 and my period stopped after christmas last year after a large amount of stress and a virus. It has never stopped before, so i needed to try something.
I decided to try Ladies Tonic and Free and Easy Wanderer. Not sure which is helping but after around 4-5 days of both (taking 5 of each a day), my period is coming back!
Date published: 2022-02-20
Rated 5 out of
uyen from
Wu Ji Bai Feng Wan
Bought this last month. I worked good. It keeps menstrual regularly and stopping bleeding too much.
Date published: 2015-04-25
Product Q&A