What does it do?
在中医理论中,旋晕是风的象征。 风是从肝脏产生的。 正如物理的风可以摇动一棵树一样,身体中的风会导致旋转和不平衡。
同样,呕吐的冲动表明痰湿。 湿气积聚而生痰,阻碍“清阳”(气、血、阴、阳等精气)上升滋养头部。 结果,可能发生身体失衡。
半夏白术天麻片的独特配方既可以消除内风,又可以清除痰。 迄今为止,它是针对这些症状最常用的中成药之一。
中药名 | 英文 | 拼音 |
法半夏 | Pinellia cured rhizome | Fa Ban Xia |
陈皮 | Tangerine dried rind of mature fruit | Chen Pi |
白术 | Bai-zhu atractylodes rhizome | Bai Zhu |
神曲 | Medicated leaven | Shen Qu |
麦芽 | Barley dried germinated ripe fruit | Mai Ya |
天麻 | Gastrodia rhizome | Tian Ma |
人参 | Asian ginseng root | Ren Shen |
苍术 | Cang-zhu atractylodes rhizome | Cang Zhu |
黄芪 | Astragalus root | Huang Qi |
泽泻 | Asian water plantain rhizome | Ze Xie |
茯苓 | Poria sclerotium | Fu Ling |
甘草 | Chinese licorice root & rhizome | Gan Cao |
干姜 | Ginger dried rhizome | Gan Jiang |
黄柏 | Phellodendron stem bark | Huang Bo |
由100%纯天然中药制成。每味中药都经真品检定,质量上乘。传统水合煎翠取中药精华,专门工艺浓缩和压片。每一片都易于服用,易于吸收,功效显著而安全。广慈堂®所有片剂在我们先进的cGMP认证工厂生产,并根据美国FDA 指南进口。当您选择广慈堂®产品时,您选择的是科学与传统的完美融合,享受的是当今中医药领域的最高标准。
Guang Ci Tang® Advantages
- 真正5倍高浓缩
- 为普通浓缩丸的加倍浓缩
- 含最少量辅料
- 不含任何西药成分,人工色素等添加物
- 通过重金属等检测
- 由cGMP认证工厂生产
- 无与伦比的价值
- 美国品牌
- 自1995年起安全专销美国市场
Check for an independent US lab test report.
How do I use it?
Differentiation in Usage
Youngain™ is closely related to You Gui Pian and YanVive™ in nourishing kidney Yang. Youngain™ is the strongest.
Side Effects
Disclaimer: Product reviews solely reflect the views and opinions expressed by the contributors and not those of ActiveHerb and are provided for informational purposes only. ActiveHerb does not verify or endorse any claims made in these reviews. Please read the full product reviews disclaimer.
Vertigoff™ (Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Pian) is rated
out of
5 by
Rated 5 out of
Narayana from
It Works! Hard to believe but true
I have had problems with my balance for many years and it’s gotten increasingly worse. The feeling would be of lightheadedness kind of out of kilter and like I would have trouble walking because I was always catching my balance. I’ve had chiropractic adjustments which seem to maybe help sometimes but was short-lived if it actually helped at all. I started taking Vertigoff just a short while ago and my balance and my feeling of connection to the earth has returned. I took a walk today and I remembered what it was like to just be able to walk. I guess I should mention that I’m 76 years old.
Date published: 2019-05-22
Rated 4 out of
Barefoot Doctor from
Walking heights again !
A friend of mine was experiencing a sudden lost of balance after seasean changes. The situation has got much better after the discovery of this formula. The adventures and hiking have started again. The dosage described was ok !
Date published: 2020-04-12
Rated 5 out of
SusanB from
Really helps
I love this supplement. I suffer from all three types of vertigo and I teach yoga and do ballroom dancing. This definitely keeps my head from spinning.
Date published: 2019-10-07
Rated 5 out of
Sak4yanks from
Great array of products but would like to see a loyalty program in place for loyal customers to receive discounts for repeat purchases and/or bulk orders.
Date published: 2017-08-30
Rated 5 out of
CeeGee4 from
Works well
i have been using Vertigoff for many years now. There is really no cure for the kind of vertigo that comes from aging inner ears, but Vertigoff keeps it in check.
Date published: 2019-02-21
Rated 5 out of
road from
Vertigo is less, my balance is better, tongue cleaner. I take 7 tablets 2 times per day.
Date published: 2020-05-09
Rated 4 out of
HCPeng from
Nice Prouct EXperience
It is great to get the natural product like this. I think you also may try it.
Date published: 2014-01-23
Rated 4 out of
Lucky77 from
Works too well!
I usually take 1 at a time and these are effective. Yesterday I took 2 and had a massive healing crisis (felt like I was getting the flu, with cramps and then everything was flushed out/detoxed). I felt immediately better after that it was very intense! Do not be fooled by the small size of these - they pack a strong punch for sensitive systems like mine.
Date published: 2020-10-20
Product Q&A